Monday, February 13, 2012

EDU 355 Lab 8

1. Explain three important benefits of hoop play. One benefits of hoop play is there is a variety of different skills you can teach with the hula hoops. Another benefit is you can incorporate fitness components like flexibility into the lesson. A third reason is you can add in different elements like the clock into the lesson so the students can practice their time telling ability.

2. Give an example of how hoops can be used to reinforce a cognitive concept linked with classroom learning. The hoops can be used to incorporate classroom concepts like telling time on a clock. A lot of student, myself included as a young child, can have difficulty learning to tell time on an analog clock. The more exposure you have to something, the better chance you have to absorb more information and learn that skill better. In this case, bringing the hula hoops in and using them as a clock incorporates time telling into the phys ed lesson. This is a simple but effective way to reinforce the information the students may be learning in their classrooms.

3. Describe how hoops can be utilized to promote effective growth in the affective domain. The affective domain is about values like teamwork and communication. Adding these concepts into your lesson can be as simple as having the students do partner work where they have to move through different color hula hoops while holding their partners hand. Just having the students hold hands mean they have to be patient and talk to their partner and succeed as partners, not just by themselves. Another good idea is to have activities in which the students are unable to talk to one another. Have the students hold hands and pick one color hula hoop and have them move throughout the maze of hula hoops while holding hands but not talking. This incorporates both teamwork and communication, whether the students realize it or not. Communication and teamwork will be a huge part of the student's lives and it is important that they learn the skills early and can practice and improve over time.

4. Utilize the internet to gather information about ponds and related ecology to use in your field experience teaching or future teaching. Ecology is the relationship of living things to each other and to what’s around them. So, if you are learning about what kinds of relationships fish have with other animals (including us!) and plants in their neighborhood, then you are learning about ecology. A pond is a body of water that is either man-made or naturally made that is smaller than a lake. Incorporating different elements of the student's education in the classroom can be a very good idea and can be very effective. For example, doing a lesson that incorporates ponds and the animals that live in the ponds such as turtles, tad poles, ducks and dragon flies would be a good idea that may relate to what the students are currently doing in science. 

5. Make a chart of Mosston's teaching Styles and keep a record of how many of the styles you use in your teaching.  
Name of Teaching Style
What is it?
Number of Times Used
1. Command
Teacher makes all of the decisions

2. Practice
Students carry out the teacher’s instructions and tasks with feedback from the teacher.

3. Reciprocal
Students work in pairs. One student performs a skill and the other gives feedback

4. Self-Check
Student practices a skill and then assesses themselves with certain criteria

5. Self Selection
Students are provided with legitimate options for skill practice with a range of difficulties

6. Guided Discovery
Students answer questions or perform skills in a specific series that leads to the discovery of a concept

7. Problem Solving
Students solve problems with the assistance from the teacher.

8. Individual Program
Student develops a program based on his or her own cognitive, psychomotor and affective abilities.


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