Thursday, January 19, 2012

1st Post for 470

Second post on my blog and I am still getting used to it. I am still figuring out how it all works and how to make my blog the best it can be. My winter break went by very quickly this year. By the time I knew it I was back in my dorm room and unpacking my clothes. Over my winter break I had a great opportunity to observe two teachers at two different schools for two weeks. My host teachers welcomed me with open arms and did everything possible to make me feel comfortable and get the full experience of being a teacher. These schools I observed at were Cicero North Syracuse (CNS) High School and Gillette Road Middle School. While at CNS High School I got my first experience in team teaching in physical education. Multiple teachers were in the gym at the same time, but one teacher would lead the lesson while the others assisted in anyway that was necessary. The phys ed classes at that school are the largest I have ever seen. It was overwhelming at first to see so many students in one class and have to teach them in an effective way. Gillette Road was quite a bit different than the high school. Younger students present a different challenge, but it was a great experience to get to observe so many different age groups over winter break. After completing my two weeks of observation I was sad to have to leave. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to kind of live the life of a teacher. Waking up at 6:30 am was quite different than the time i wake up while at college. Helping my host teachers and having the opportunity to work with the students was great. I learned a lot about teaching, and about myself while I was observing. I learned that teaching takes a lot of preparation, but preparation alone will not allow someone to become an effective teacher. You have to be able to adapt to different situations because every class you teach will be different. Everyday you teach something different will happen than the day before. I learned that I need to be confident in my abilities and believe that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I tend to second guess myself and some of the ideas that come to my head. But, I know that I have the ability and the passion to be a great teacher. Confidence is important in success in my opinion. With confidence and passion you can achieve anything and I know I will achieve any goal that I have. This was PE With Tom E, come back again soon.

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